Wednesday, March 11, 2015

how are drugs affecting our brain?

Drugs are just chemicals that mess with your brains cells. Drugs inhibit the brains ability to communicate, think properly, and your ability to process other messages that your brain is sending to other cells. prolonged use of drugs can an will damage your brain. drug like crack, LSD(acid), molly, heroin and ecstasy are hallucinogens that are the most likely to cause severe brain damage.

where do people acquire drugs from?

there are three types of drugs (like cannabis and mushrooms) refined plant(like heroin, cocaine) or synthetic drugs (like ecstasy, amphetamine). most drugs are imported to other nations from the nation that has people who grow or make it. but many people found that it is a lot cheaper to produce these drugs and it gives the producers get a lot more profit.

how do drugs affect communities?

drugs usually increase the crime rate and violence in a neighborhood. many communities are trying to get rid of the drug problem in their neighborhoods because of the amount of teens being arrested for drug possession is to high. also the amount of unemployment rises because of drug addiction.

do drugs affect the people around you?

yes! family members are some of the most affected. when the abusers family finds out that their loved one is addicted to drugs, most families report an immediate sense of depression.  the abuser usually goes into a defensive/aggressive mode to try and defend their well-being. this may also cause the user to feel guilty and commit suicide.

Are drug's destroying our future?

yes! drugs are destroying the development of communities around the world. For example, the consumption of heroin in Africa is so wide spread that even 10 year old kids are using these drugs. People who use drugs at an early age are more likely to be homeless and poor. this affects the community because the people are not supporting the economy.

Image result for drugs

in my survey 18 out of 36 people said that they have done drugs. that is the equivalent of 50% of teens using drugs.

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